My daughter was in training to participate in a mission. She is obeying the call that God has placed on her heart. I talked to her this week and she informed me that they will be going to Nepal and India for their mission (I had to look up Nepal). Nepal is next to India. I have told several people about this and many have expressed concern about these locations and her safety. I explained to them I know in my heart that God is guiding her and will protect her. I think God was preparing me for her mission when my son went off to college three years ago. It was then that I was really worried. I was praying for God to protect him and watch over him and blah, blah, blah. During these prayers I distinctly remember hearing a question come to my mind. The question was “What’s changed?” It wasn’t a booming voice, it was a small still voice that gently asked me what’s changed. I promptly responded with, “well he is 8 hours away by car. If he needs something I won’t be able to get there.” What it came down to is I can’t protect him if he is that far away. Another revelation at this time was who was I referring to him being that far away from. I was referring to me. As God always does with me, he leads me down the path then tells me something I already knew but had been ignoring. That fact was God had been the one protecting him all this time because the fact of the matter was I wasn’t with my son 24 hours a day as it was anyway. God is everywhere and unlike me he can do anything. With this revelation came humility and comfort. The humility of realizing I wasn’t doing all that I was taking credit for and the comfort to know that God would look after my son no matter where he was. So, now fast forward three years and my daughter, my princess is telling me she is going to India on a mission. I didn’t even blink this time because God had already prepared me for this situation.
For those of you that have children who are growing up and will be out on their own soon. Know that God is everywhere and nothing changes for him when they move out. He is still who He says He is and will do everything He says He will do!
For those of you that have children who are growing up and will be out on their own soon. Know that God is everywhere and nothing changes for him when they move out. He is still who He says He is and will do everything He says He will do!